Common roadblocks
Our prices are too low.
Our products are growing obsolete.
We are not able to get new customers.
We just lost our biggest client, accounting for 30% of our revenues.
My employees are coasting on me, there’s no work ethic here.
We are not able to keep existing customers.
We keep hiring idiots.
We have a bunch of receivables, but the money is not coming in.
The competitors’ marketing is way better than ours.
Revenues are OK, but profitability sucks.
Our finances are a mess.
This is a commodity business. How can we differentiate ourselves on anything but price?
My best employee just got poached by another firm.
There’s a lot of infighting within my management team.
Our employee turnover is too high.
Cash flow is really tight, we may not make payroll later this month.
I’m able to pay my employees but I’m not pulling enough money out of the business.
I need to sell this business.
One employee is destroying everybody else’s morale, he’s a poison to the company!
My business partner is a jerk.
We don’t have an employee manual, and it’s starting to become a problem.
I haven’t had a vacation in three years.
Everybody’s making money in this industry but us.
Client projects are not getting done on time.
I don’t know whether we are making money or losing money.
We outsourced some things to another company and it’s not working out.
I have limited access to cash for financial growth.
Everyone is busy but we don't seem to move forward.
It's so hard to recruit good staff let alone keep them.
I'm losing my passion for the business.